
RefectoCil Pure Black

RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint No. 1 pure black
Brilliant Black – create the most beautiful black styles ever!
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RefectoCil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint No. 1 pure black
Brilliant Black – create the most beautiful black styles ever!
NEW IMPROVED FORMULA: thanks to the new, optimised recipe RefectoCil Nr. 1 pure black now tints even blacker than black. The result is deep, full and even more intense than ever before and so the lashes appear visibly longer and more voluminous.
With RefectoCil you will always achieve a beautiful, long-lasting and intensive tinting result on eyelashes and eyebrows. Tinted lashes appear clearly longer and more voluminous, as the tinting accentuates the full length of the lashes faded by sun and water. The tint highlights bright and lengthens short lashes; it adds gloss and shine to dull hairs and freshens already greying lashes and brows. Tinted eyebrows appear better defined and more colour intensive. Your eyes appear livelier and expressive – even without make-up. The tint is absolutely smudge- and waterproof and lasts up to 6 weeks.
The best result is achieved when applying the tint regularly, because with each tinting the colour will penetrate deeply into the eyelashes leaving them more intensely and durably coloured.
Content: 15 ml. Enough for approximately 30 applications.


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